500,000 puppies already saved from a life of being hungry, homeless and unwell. It’s so brilliant. What you are doing and planning to do on an even bigger scale is genuinely world changing. So few people have both the vision and the character to do this - you didn’t give up when the hurdles started coming and decide it’s too big - and I really admire you for it. I followed you when you had about 40k followers and it’s been incredible to see it snowball as more and more dog-lovers get onboard with your mission, donating and sharing the message.

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Well said Helen. The world needs more people like him 🧡

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How many dogs are there on the island roughly ? Anyone know ?

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I’m hoping that gre as t young man will become part of your family! He deserves it.

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From sterilizing 302 in a year to over 40,000 by years end, in the span of two years, is a staggering increase! I’m sure sometimes it still feels like it’s not enough but I don’t think there’s an organization out there that has done that, truly, it’s mind blowing.

Hoping Myo will be able to become part of your team, he clearly has the love and passion for rescue ♥️

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I am so touched by the grace and humanity of these poor people - while having barely anything themselves, they share what they have with the dogs: Their "house", their food, their affection...

On the other hand you regularly report about how the so-called "wealthy" people in their villas, posh hotels and resorts try to get rid of the dogs by any means - poison, violence, murder.

I find this so appalling and those people disgust me.

Myo's spirit on the other side is heartwarming and kind of gives me hope.

Thank you to him and to you for all do ❤️

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You have adopted the only humane method to control street dog population from early on. I see lot of animal rescue organizations only talking about rescue. It brings people’s concern and donation. If there is no sterilization, rescue is just a band aid. Plus, rescuing a dog comes with enormous vet bills. Today’s sterilization will reduce cost of caring street dogs in coming years. Every number counts so sterilization must be done by all the organizations.

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High level pressure on the government around legislation is tricky but has shown results in places similar places around the dogmeat trade and the bear bile industry. Do you have the direct support of influential people like Peter Egan and Ricky Gervais? Is there anything we can do to help drive support here in the UK?

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Education & Government involvement is absolutely necessary, as you said!! What you all are doing has made such an impact already. ✨️ You're amazing!! 🐾🌏

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Niall you are the Mother Theresa of dogs. You have my utmost respect. I help when I can. I wish I could do more.

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God bless your work!!

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If a god existed, why would it allow such suffering? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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May God bless and keep you sweetie.

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Thank you confirming that you are one of these self righteous bible thumpers who likes to try to patronise people with fake blessings. I’m off to walk my dogs now. Don’t waste any more of your prayers or blessings on me.😘 Bye.

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LMAO!! You have no idea who I am.

No bible in the house.

More like an Art of War kind of person and I am glad you are getting some air:)

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Not being divine, I cannot tell you, however evil operates on its own, bro.

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Who told you that? Your religious leader?🤨🙄 None of the shame - all of the blame. How convenient.

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If you rely on what others tell you, perhaps you need to re-think your modalities.

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Save your prayers. No-one needs them. If you did donate money, well done. That’s the only help that’s truly meaningful.

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I have no religious leader. Pretty self-sustaining and I wonder why you feel the need to attack me? Like, this is a page dedicated to saving dogs, not some political arena.

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I didn’t attack you and religion shouldn’t have anything to do with politics. It was you yourself who called upon a god to bless Niall’s work. I simply pointed out the fact that if such an entity exists, it certainly isn’t helping the lives of innocent dogs. Niall and all his friends and helpers would not have to deal with saving dogs’ lives if blessings made things better. They don’t. Niall could certainly do with less people sending prayers and blessings - and more people sending donations because THAT is the only thing that’s truly helpful. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I donated over $15k last year, so I put my $$'s where my prayers go. I will continue to pray for people who cross my path, including you. May God bless and keep you.

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💕🐾💕🐾 Bless you Niall and everyone on your team and in your network and all your supporters. Thank you Niall and team for shining a spotlight on the problems and TAKING ACTION to make an impact. Many thanks to all Niall / Happy Doggo supporters for standing behind this wonderful organization. Together we can all do something ... like / share if money donations or volunteering in your own community isn't possible.

Blessings and best wishes to everyone and all the fur babies. 💕🐾💕🐾

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How fantastic would it be for Myo to join Happy doggo. Coming from such a tragic place where no doubt he would of seen the worst of humanity. You're doing such amazing things and we all watch and admire.

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There are multiple levers to fix the street dog problems and you’re right to focus on these 👀.

Turn the tap off with sterilisation ✂️ ,

Educate people to stop the cruelty and abandonment when doggos get too much 📚, and

Get local authorities on board to mop up those that do as a disincentive ⚖️.

It’s a long road, but every step gets you closer to completing your mission ✅ ❤️🐕

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Niall, It is always hard to see suffering. You are helping even when it seems insurmountable. Look how much you have accomplished in a short time. In addition to helping literally thousands of dogs to thrive, and prevent more dogs from being born into homelessness, you also inspire people everyday to follow your lead to help dogs in their own community and to open their hearts to the infinite power of love.

On a side note, and maybe you can address this in a future newsletter, I always wonder what percentage of dogs in a community need to be sterilized to start seeing a big impact? I live in Austin, Texas. We are a no kill city at our animal shelters. Yet it seems like they are constantly full. I do think dogs from shelters are regularly brought in from other cities, though. I agree with you that education and legislation are key components. Adopt don’t shop!!!!!

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Mayo can be Pi wut’s assistant. 🥰🐾

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Thank you for all that you do to help.❤️

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