I kind of thought you may be toying with the idea of keeping Taylor. It’s not for me to tell you what to do. I know it’s difficult and you have a huge mission to accomplish. Though I just think maybe you want to think about how much she could help with your mental health and keep you going. Hank is not in the best of health and it would be nice for you to have a dog that you don’t have to worry 24/7 about. Anyway that’s just my thoughts. I know you’ll do what’s best for Taylor ultimately. I just hope you also take some time to do what’s best for you too. Stay strong Niall. We’re all with you in this journey.

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I totally agree with this. Please adopt each other 🥰

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It’s the right choice and a very selfless act on your part. She deserves a family that will dedicate lots of time to her and you recognize that. She’s young and has many years ahead. I can imagine how hard it is to see her off to new home though as personally I’m a 2X foster failure 😜 You have a clear vision and these hard decisions are part of it. I’m not gonna lie, your future you walking on the beach with a doggo got me teary eyed 🥹

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Niall I’m in tears and smiles as always after reading your story. Such a difficult decision. But you are so right when you say most rescue missions fail by keeping too many dogs. At this point Taylor will be a beautiful loving dog for a lucky familiy. And I hope you will not have to wait until you are 70 to get your own Golden Tina or Taylor… You deserve it.

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Understandable that it is tempting to keep her and that she lives with Hank but I think you are right. I think you mentioned that golden retrievers are great family dogs and Taylor needs just that. Tina will send you a dog that needs to be with you when the time is right as she did with Hank. Take care

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Ah Niall, I have so much respect for your laser focus on achieving your mission. This grit and determination is what has enabled you to build successful businesses in the past, and I have no doubt will see you realise your mission to build Tina's legacy hospital and achieve, if not exceed, the numbers of dogs you aim to sterilise. Even though I was one of the ones secretly whispering " keep her", I know sentimentality will not progress your amazing work for the greater good.And how lucky will the person/ family be that gets to adopt her - she will have a wonderful life.

And when you do finally get to hang up your questionable taste in hats for a more relaxed pace ( hopefully before 70) , there will be a four-legged friend with a tennis ball alongside you to enjoy the peace and phenomenal sense of achievement you so rightly deserve.

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Bravo Niall! That takes a tremendous amount of courage and love to put what’s best for Taylor ahead of what you want. She’ll find a wonderful family in no time. Thank you for the love you show these doggos!

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I am a Peruvian living in the USA 🇺🇸 and I totally love you. Peru is a country full of street dogs as well 😭thank you so much for your kindness . I admire your courage and work. I know your story and I feel identified with you. Animals, dogs can save your life

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You are incredibly selfless. I believe Taylor could be a wonderful ambassador in your work just as Tina was, a great comfort dog for you in dark times and joyful ones, and a calming influence on puppies and dogs that pass through your care on their way to their forever homes. Don’t sell that life short for Taylor in favor of a “happy” family for her. There are no guarantees in life but one thing is certain, she would be blessed to walk this path with you. I hope you reconsider. I don’t think you would ever regret it.

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This is a beautiful message and so much truth in it. I was disappointed for him but after reading the post, thought maybe he is right to move her on but I think you make very fair points here and she would be blessed to walk this path with Niall.

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It was obvious you had a soft spot for her. Goldens are amazing. I have 2 but they love nothing more than their humans, being close to them. We both work from home so we are always here. It’s a no for now for you, not a no for ever, once a golden gets under your skin you won’t see past the breed. Well done you!

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Love everything that you and the team do. You all make the world a better place, and save so much suffering. Absolute

Heroes ❤️

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Niall you are a strong man and have come to the right conclusion. Taylor will enjoy 24/7 love and attention in a family’s home, you would not be able to give her that because of your vast commitments. Tuff decision but the right one for Taylor.❤️We will cry with you when she finds her forever home.

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That’s a very selfless thing to do Niall and I think you’re doing the best for both yourself and Taylor. You’ll always be her hero, as you are to all of the others 🌼

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Taylor and I think it is the right move to not keep her. As you mentioned Hank is low maintenance and Taylor is still young and would require a bit more attention and playtime with you than you have at the moment. You're making the best decision for the both of you and though a tough decision it's absolutely right!

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Any chance we can find her a home with the other Taylor Swift??? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️

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I think Taylor Swift is a cat lady.

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Oh 💯! 😂

But maybe Travis likes dogs and they could have both? 😊

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It would be amazing but please I beg, don't send dogs to thr United States. Millions of dogs are euthanized every year there and every single shelter is beyond capacity at the moment. It's the worst situation in a decade.

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I thought you’d keep her to be near Teddy. This is such a heart-rending dilemma, Niall, but a very brave choice. She’ll never forget what you did for her and her pups. Take care, now.

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Niall, You do what’s right for you and Taylor and I can’t wait to see the day all your dreams happen and your walking on that Beach with your forever Golden Retriever ❤️🫶🤍🤍🤍🤍

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