Please don’t apologies for the gaps in the newsletter. The dogs have to be your main focus and everyone appreciates that.

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Reading your newsletter and all the worries you have, I realised that your worries are exactly the same as my worries. Having followed you for about 1.5 years now, the explosion of the amount of people following you is mind blowing and I can only imagine that that will continue to grow because dog lovers love dogs no matter where they are in the world 🥰 We love the rescuers, the menders, the feeders, the helpers, the groomers, the trainers. We love the wins big and small and the successes and we cry over the losses. Your big dreams to help dogs all over the world is scary, exciting, inspiring and we are urging you on with love, positive support and financial support if we can. Your dreams are our dreams and when you achieve the little or big wins we are right there with you 💚🤍🧡

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Incredible news Niall and what an amazing journey you have had so far! It’s so good to see even a red square where Tina’s hospital will be - she would be so proud of what you have achieved. Take time for some self care too Niall - you deserve it so much. Thank you for all you do 🙏🏻🙏🏻 x

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Such pawsome work Niall - I’ve had a bad day today (mentally and emotionally) but seeing this email pop up and reading about your heart work has really lifted me. Thank you for the work you do, the love you give, the vulnerabilities you share - it helps all us, two feet or four paws.

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Whenever doubt sets in, you can look at your first year…. “Only” 302 sterilisations, but still preventing over 3,000 dogs born to suffer. Not bad for someone who had no idea what they were doing. Then you can look at this year, 7 partnerships, 3 countries, 10,s of thousands of dogs not suffering, a hospital in the works, dogs travelling to happy homes, fixing up street dogs and returning them to their street homes …. That doesn’t sound like someone who doesn’t know what they are doing to me….. sounds like someone with a plan, chipping away as fast as they can. Love to see it 🥰❤️🐕

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I will continue to support your cause every month until I die. I might even put the dogs in my will.😁

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Love and support from Montana, where I’ll be keeping a keen eye out for Mr. Fox. 💞 You’ve got this Niall! That fire video-omg so grateful you’re all safe. 💞 we will never lose interest or stop supporting your remarkable work.

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You are amazing. Never apologise and make sure you take care of yourself just as much as you do the doggos!!!!!!!

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Dear Niall, we will never lose interest in your incredible mission. It's getting exciting to be so close to the realization of Tina's hospital. Billy, Sandy, Mario, Libby, Rusty...so many new dogs rescued by you & your team. Well done! So proud of you! Take care of yourself, as you care for the doggos. 🙏💜🐕🐶

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What a wonderful update Niall! I hope you find the time to be proud of everything you have done for all these lovely doggies. I love that Mr Fox is going to a forever home after all this time, he looks absolutely happy. I can imagine that the scale of what you are doing and planning can be overwhelming at times but you will have so much support from people from all over the world, you’re not doing it alone.

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It's just astonishing to read what you have achieved in such a short time Niall. You should be proud of yourself! The mobile sterilising units are vital. I know that all of the larger rescue centres in Sri Lanka are based on the coast (like WeCare). The dogs that live in the centre of Sri Lanka are in desperate need of attention as I saw during my visit there. I really hope that more mobile units in Sri Lanka funded by you will help those poor dogs who never see a friendly face. Congratulations on all the fantastic work you have done so far. The world is a better place with you in it Niall.

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Oh Niall, you and your team of angels (Sybille, Lana, and so very many other angels!!) are streams of nonstop goodness and blessings great and small! Your devotion to always doing your best is now helping thousands and thousands of dogs in pain and need and inspiring people all over the world! Tina, Snoop, Derek, Jumbo, Valentina and legions of loving angel spirits along with over a million (and growing!) of us humans hold you as our champion and support your sacred vision and movement for millions of street dogs. And yes it’s scary and sometimes overwhelming — and please don’t apologize! So many of us very gratefully start our day with you! Your generosity lets us connect heart and soul to “our” dogs, your growing incredible team, the Land, and Tina’s Hospital shimmering inside the red lines as it evolves from glorious vision into reality. It will happen and so much more! You and your team and now all of us are growing Love and turning wounds into beauty. And this movement is unstoppable! We and all you touch are now connected and our ailing world is a much, much better place. With bows of gratitude and prayers for every blessing and ‘miracle’ possible!

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Niall everything in your life led to this point in your life. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. If you could go back and tell your 16yr old self one thing… What would that be… From all of us who have followed this epic humbling journey. You Got this and be proud of you ❤️

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Oh Niall never doubt yourself, what you have achieved is fabulous. All your supporters are behind you and I am sure are ready to come and help when it is possible to do so. Keep up the great work. Happy Sunday.

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It’s understandable that you will feel doubt sometimes, you are only human. But the difference is you ARE doing this amazing job for the dogs and we are all behind you 🙏❤️

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Stop apologising ya dag! We all understand how busy you are. I hope you're looking after yourself as well as you're looking after the dogs.

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