I’m crying for a dog - and a man - I have never met. I am so, so sad for you. Tina was incredibly lucky to have met you and to have lived her final months contentedly. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I will miss seeing her little face each day x

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Me too Gemma. Cried throughout reading Niall's words. Tina was so special and I can't imagine not seeing her following Niall around on all of his walks x

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Still crying… 💔

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I'm crying since hours and I am totally heartbroken. I will miss this wonderful girl, this special pure tender soul so so much 😢😢😢

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Same here❤️

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You have said everything I came to say, what a beautiful soul Tina was and so happy that Niall saved her and gave her such a lovely last few months xx

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Gemma my post would have been identical to this 🥰 From a woman in Stoke-on-Trent one of many all over the world I imagine; sending so much love to you Niall, Tina certainly had the best of the best in you xxxxxx💔🥲

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Me tooooo. Big tears for both of them

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Same here

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Such a lovely dog and story. Tina you will be missed. Rest easy pretty girl.

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Me too. There was something about her gentle nature ❤️

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Me too!

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Same Gemma 😢

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Me also.

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Me too!

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Watching Tina everyday was the highlight of my day after a stressful day at work. Thank you Niall for everything that you did for Tina and all of the Street Dogs. Rest easy sweet girl ♥️

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Ditto, except I read his posts as soon as I get out of bed BEFORE starting my stressful day at work. They give me a sense of peace and something GOOD to focus on. When work gets me down I can think about what really matters in this world and the good that still remains: and Niall and Tina are at the top of that list ❤️.

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Me to Shelly. The first thing I reach for in the morning is my phone to check the doggies. My heart broke when I read the news of Tina, I cry every time I think of her 💕 she will be with everyone forever, she is around us all. I cannot wait to watch her hospital be built, what a brilliant legacy she leaves. Rest easy baby girl- you will never be forgotten

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I can’t stop the tears from flowing. Thank you for loving her so well…she is your soul dog and she will live with you forever 💜💜

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i think everyone’s shed a tear this morning for this gorgeous girl 💔💔💔

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My heart has broken into so many pieces with this news. Darling darling Tina. I wish I could have held you just once and kissed you to tell you how much you were loved. I am thankful we got to know you just for a little while and what a wonderful little while that was. Thank you Niall and all the people in Koh Samui and elsewhere who helped keep Tina going. She will never be forgotten. 🎾🎾🎾

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Absolutely sobbing. What a beautiful girl, touched me in so many ways. Such a pure kind soul! How you can feel that through a phone I’ll never know but I’m so grateful for how she made me feel. You were both so Lucky to have one another and to have her final days with the most incredible man, what a blessing. You truly are amazing Niall, thank you for all that you do and thank you for sharing Tina’s journey with us all. Sending you all the love. Rest easy little lady 🤍 xx

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My emotions are everywhere.

Cruelly treated for most of her life. But Niall, you gave her her best 6 months of life, gave back her dignity and happiness.

And she gave us lessons in life we can all learn from.

I’ll be in tears like so many but so greatful we got to be part of her life through you 💚😭

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Dear Niall, Beautiful Tina, she has inspired me so much over the last six months ❤️ it’s comforting to know she was surrounded by love at the time of her passing. Sending love to you and your crew Niall as you mourn the loss of dear beloved Tina xxxx

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Dear Niall….I’m so sorry…..Tina was the most beautiful soul who loved and trusted you and the other wonderful people who help you in spite of all that had happened before she met you. She so clearly adored you and I’m glad she got to enjoy her last days with her favourite human. Run free over 🌈 bridge darling Tina. Sending lots of love to you Niall. 🐾🐾😢😢💔💔🥰🥰

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Oh Niall, heartbroken with you & so many tears. Tina was so lucky to have such a wonderful Dad like you. I think you rescued each other. I always watch your beautiful videos & always smiled when seeing Tina. She was my favourite & an Angel & still is but up in heaven now watching over you & all her other mates. Bless you for what you do. So heartbreaking at times but oh so joyful too. RIP beautiful girl, fly free over the rainbow bridge little one. We’ll see you again one day. Sending you huge bear hugs Niall. Tina adored you 🙏❤️🐾 we adore you x

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Even though you share so many moving stories of very special dogs, Tina was captivating in a way like no other. I looked for her every day. No matter what the story, I was waiting for the next glimpse of her and was always willing her on for more days to share with all of us. I’m so grateful for knowing her pure love through you, Niall. You were so kind to her and she loved you deeply and unconditionally.

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Me too. Keep crying this morning! Will miss seeing Niall's wonderful shadow very much

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Same i constantly checked his posts for Tina its so so sad, I feel so sorry for Niall but he should be really proud of himself for what he did for her these last 6 months. 💔💔

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Dearest Niall, no matter how much we prepare for loss, it still hits hard for those we love deeply. 187 days of pure love and joy for Tina is the best gift you could ever give her.

Take time to grieve for her, and look after yourself. There’s much to do in her honour when the time is right.

Biggest love to you and your team.

Vale Tina, gone but never forgotten 😭❤️🐕

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My heart is so sad for you Niall. I’m weeping over your loss of Tina because I have lost two amazing dogs (both golden retrievers) and can feel the pain you’re feeling. Mine were velcro/shadow dogs too. They are simply the best, have hearts of gold and their love is never ending. Thank you so much for loving her in her final days. You gave her the happiest ending. I remember when I first saw your post about Tina, I started trying to figure out how I could get her across the county and give her a home had you said she needed one. I was determined to make that happen. But she had the best life with you. Thank you. Thank you for all you do to help the voiceless and most vulnerable.

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Dear Niall. I was one of the thousands that loved Tina from afar. She was an incredible dog - her soul really did radiate. Much love to you and all of those who took such good care of her in her last months. She passed away happy and loved

And that is thanks to you and the amazing work you do. Thinking of you all and all who loved the beautiful Tina 💕🐾🐕❤️

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A beautiful goodbye for the most beautiful girl in the world. You must feel so lost without her like all of us. But what great plans in honor of her so she will always be remembered. Take care Niall and wonderful lady’s. Big love ❤️

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i think everyone has shed a tear this morning for this gorgeous dog 💔 she was so lucky to have found you and live out her life peacefully and happy. we are all going to miss seeing her on your stories she absolutely adored you and i’m heart broken that we will never see her again rip gorgeous girl we all love you all from around the world 🌈🩷

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With a very heavy heart I read this tonight before bed. Tina was an inspiration and I am so sorry for the loss and yet so happy to know she experienced love in her final days.

Please keep up the great work. I will continue to be better, kinder in Tina’s honour.

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