You know we think you got this Niall. Your background in marketing, your incandesent kindness, good sense and devotion to Tina's nemory serves us well.

Many hands makes just a little lighter work, even the mayor is inside.

Thanks for the update - rock on, Niall. WE got this. 🥰😍

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Niall, your drive and ambition is inspiring. Your love, care and support for the doggies is heartwarming. Watching the reels and listening to you talking to the doggies, just like I talk to mine, puts a smile on my face every day 😁 My heart melts reading about Billy, Rusty and Sandy 🫶🫶🫶 but I am especially glad for Billy & Rusty 💙💙 Keep posting the reels about the doggies, it keeps us with you but keep dreaming big Niall we are with you all the way 💚🤍🧡

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Turkey would be a great place to expand into. A national sterilization program is desperately needed there, and slaughter of street dogs and cats has been given the green light by Erdogan recently.

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I stopped visiting Turkey ages ago because the attitude to Street dogs was appalling. As visiting tourists, we made the mistake of befriending one particular dog, incidentally scarred from cigarette burns. It would wait for us every morning, trot along side us when visiting nearby villages and sleep as close as it could to our door every night. We looked into the cost of bringing the dog back to the UK but it was prohibitive. When on our last day we boarded the bus for the airport, the dog raced after the bus until it couldn’t keep up the speed.

The hotel manager had already told me that when all the tourists leave, they put down poisoned meat for all the dogs they can find.

Never gone back but I realise now that that solves nothing. Which is why the potentially global movement that Niall has started is SO astonishing. And those of us who can must continue to financially support because this will need funds for a long time to come 💫❤️💫

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That must have killed you! We don't deserve any animals - they are so much better than some of us.

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Yes I’m afraid I’ve never forgotten that dog. Looked at her pictures for a long time, knowing that she would have died an agonising death. There’s no point sugarcoating the terrible suffering. But I also worry about Niall’s mental health when he is taking on so much. I can’t even find the words any more to describe the magnitude of what he’s achieving 🌟

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Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. It is such a vivid example of the desperation these animals live with. May I suggest you check out @thegaap.org They are an NGO that does phenomenal work with free roaming animals in multiple countries, including impoverished Guatemala.

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Thank you for the Info re the NGO. Have signed up

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The sky is the limit dear Niall. Thank you to everyone for all the hard work.❤️

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Somedays, I can't help but feel that dogs showcase the best of life that we humans cannot. Until I read about all the beautiful souls doing their best to help all these dogs they do not personally know or might never meet. Thank you, everyone, for everything you do.

There have been so many dogs that are now leading better lives. But for every dog that gets rescued and finds a forever home, with love and care for the rest of their lives, many other street dogs struggle painfully through life, never once finding love or happiness. It will take a global effort for us to help each and every single last one. We can do it if everyone just chips in!

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Love your message.

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You make my heart sing with all your updates. From Billy and Eve to all the progress on Tina’s Hospital. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the ‘human glue’ that binds us all together for a common purpose. We couldn’t do it without you. Sending much love to you, all your friends helping care for the dogs in any capacity, and all your Happy Doggos. 💕💕💕

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Monologue incoming!

Niall!! You are the biggest and best MF out there!

What you accomplished in just 2 years! You are crazy in the best way possible.

I love watching your stories during my nightshift when you wake up with the dogs.

Still can not watch Tina Flashbacks etc this story just hurt me to much and I took off of work for a week because I griefed so much.

I can not share my gratitude for what you are doing!

You are the biggest inspiration!!!

Love from Austria,


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Amazing how one act of kindness to a street dog has grown into this fantastic team of people helping so many in just 2 years. You are the best Niall along with everyone in the different areas that do such a brilliant job.

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Niall, what keeps going through my mind with every post, update & triumph is that you aren’t just saving the doggies. You are saving humanity. You have created a family who supports one another, laughs, cries, rejoices & mourns together. You have created a network of people who all embrace one another far & wide across the world in unity & compassion. With the 25,000 dogs sterilized you have given us HOPE for a better future. So. I say this with an open heart & soul, you have saved me too 🙏💗🕊️

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Brilliant news Niall well 👏 done to you and all the team. You are remarkable human beings looking after all these doggies they are so lucky to have you in their lives showing so much love ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️

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It is so heartwarming to read about the success of this mission and the difference it has made for so many dogs. It feels overwhelmingly sad to hear about the mass killing of thousands of street dogs in Turkey. Even where I live in Los Angeles the street dogs are being euthanized at a devastating rate in shelters :( it’s important to keep hope alive though!

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I’ve been with you from the start

And I’m soooo proud of you Niall🫶💙🙏🏻

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Sooo proud of you Niall 🙏🏻🫶💙

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I am beyond proud of all you, your team and your supporters across the globe have accomplished!

Blessings and best wishes to each and every one of you (us) and of course to all the Happy Doggos.

Big love right back at 'ya!


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Niall, you and the Happy Doggo team are making such an amazing difference to the beautiful street dogs you save. Please remember to take care of yourself too. Big hug and much love. ❤️🥰😊

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You have achieved so much in so little time. I admire your energy and thank you a million times for saving so many dogs and preventing 10000's of puppies being born in awful situations. I am falling in love with the latest dog you are saving , Butterscotch, she looks in such need and so sweet. Can't wait to see how she is going to flourish like all the doggy friends who are in forever homes round the world now. THANK YOU !!!!

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