Hi Niall! I’m not too interested in a lot of the rubbish that pops up on Twitter but finding you a few months ago (I don’t even know how you appeared in my timeline!) has made me realise that there is the opportunity to share profound goodness and joy there.

I am so deeply touched by the way you care for your dogs and the way you have a plan to change their lives for the better. You provide not just a quick fix but a positive way forward for these adorable animals and the community. And all this while coping at times with the horrors of anxiety and depression - of which I have a little understanding.

I’ve always been an animal lover and I give to animal charities but I accept that I just couldn’t do what you do. Huge respect and gratitude that we have people like you in the world!

I love all the adventures of McMuffin, King Whacker, Hope and Derek. You truly have saved their lives. And you have profoundly affected the lives of those of us who are fascinated by the work you are doing.

Thailand is a long way from Portstewart but thanks to modern communications I can keep up with NiallWorld in real time! How amazing is that?

Keep strong and positive Niall and keep doing what you’re doing. Never doubt the way that you are changing the lives of not just your beloved dogs but also the lives of the people who are grateful to you for making that difference.

Big thanks and lots of love

Maureen x

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Wow. That's a powerful piece of writing Niall and should be required daily reading for everyone. Weird and wonderful how each of those dogs show us something so different yet so important. Thanks for sharing all this with us. You and these dogs are really touching so many peoples hearts in such a positive way.

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Amazing! 😭❤️

Hits you even more when you’re in the process of healing.

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Please stay strong Niall. Your article is a life saver to many people around the world. Your weekly write up will be compiled and sell in book shop around the world.

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They are not silly street dogs and they have given so much hope + inspiration to people who are struggling. It's a beautiful story, all of it, it including your own. You are an amazing person, Niall. If only the world had more people like you and we all behaved like the dogs.

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Very well done!

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I’m crying tears of happiness for the Love that you & all the dogs you meet share. Thank You For All That You Do. You Are My Hero.

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I love the lessons and joy you and your canine crew bring everyone

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Niall - that is a beautiful piece of prose - such valuable lessons for us all. Thanks for taking us on your journey. Like so many others (over 118K) your stories bring joy to a world filled with negativity and anger. You are like that pebble in the lake - you have had a major ripple effect on so many. They say that the way a person treats an animal gives an insight into your soul - your soul shines brightly and I continue to thank you for all that you do for us all.

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Our lives would certainly not be the same without dogs. They give us joy, happiness, laughter, comfort, companionship, protection, the list goes on. Niall, your commitment and focus in caring for these wonderful dogs is appreciated more than words can express. You are a real hero in the lives of so many dogs and people too! Thank you for all that you do.

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What a lovely picture you paint of life through your dogs Niall. You and all your family 🐶really are an inspiration and teach us so much about the meaning of a meaningful way of life. You are and always will be a legend mate 🐶❤️

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