I don't know about you, but I like laying in bed dreaming up ideas and imagining what the future might look like. I think we all do that, right?
It could be a new house. Retiring to the sun. Quitting a job. Starting a business. Quitting drugs. Having a baby. Going traveling for a year. We all have big dreams that we aim for but aren't sure we'll ever get there.
My dream is about getting to a place where I save 10,000 dogs a month and build a global community around that work while living a healthy lifestyle.
Like everyone's dreams, I often doubt myself and wonder if it is even possible? Sure I can feed 20 dogs, but can I really save 10,000 a month? Maybe I'm being stupid and grandiose in my ambitions?
The way to tackle big dreams is to take 1000s of little steps to get there. Then, you find a place to start and just get the ball rolling.
In the last week, I've done three things to move my dream along:
Raised $8000 funding
I bought a jeep and kitted it out for dog transport (My personal money)
Lined up appointments for the first 15 dogs to neuter/spay
Not exactly 10,000 dogs a month, but standing looking at the jeep with the boxes loaded for tomorrow and two dogs ready to be picked up for their operation, I thought to myself...shit, this is real now, isn't it?
Awesome Community Funding
I couldn't have gotten this far without the community. I had asked for $4000, but it was raised so quickly that I decided to double the money asked and all the targets I had set. We hit $8000 in just seven days which is remarkable, and I'm genuinely touched and speechless.
Thanks to some wonderful people, I can now neuter 100 dogs over the coming weeks. What I love about this is that I am now trusted to do this with other people's money, so it is doubly important that I do it. Not that I wouldn't have done it alone, but I might have been slower or had the odd excuse like sleeping in on a Sunday or missing a day here or there if it was just me doing it. Now I've committed to this, and I have people backing me. That's a great feeling and one that will drive me on.
It All Starts Tomorrow at 7 am
This isn't going to be quite like fixing a dog up and seeing an instant result. With this programme I'm not going to see results immediately. The only win will be fewer dogs on the streets. It's all about repeating the same operation repeatedly and cutting numbers down over time.
One thing that I'm bad at is enjoying the wins that I have. Tomorrow though, when I get the first two dogs done, I will pull in and have a coffee and a slice of cake. I haven't drunk in 15 months, and I'm starting to save dogs. That's always been my dream.
Another dog off the streets… Jumbo now lives with me. He is a dog who has a lot of health problems that I've taken in. Snoop and I love him very much and are trying to fix him up.
So inspirational and heartening to read, especially after two years of bad news. I was in Iquitos in Peru 10 years ago and was shocked by the amount of street dogs suffering there (mange, hunger). I went back two years later and they were all gone. I feared they’d all been put down but asked around and discovered a dog-loving Frenchman had visited to see Gustave Eiffel’s building there and was so upset by what he found, dog wise, he started a rescue and sanctuary. Two years meant almost no street street dogs, and the rescued hordes were cared for and didn’t suffer any more. Amazing. It all starts with a thought…
Great to read the update Niall. Congrats and well done for getting this far. It’s very impressive.